




L در بازاریابی

Ladder of support the spectrum of the degree of support which can be expected when introducing change.

Laggards those who are the last to buy a new Product.

Lead time the time gap between one event and another.

Legitimate power power based on legitimate authority, such as line management.

Licensing a contractual arrangement in which a licensor provides a licensee with certain rights, e.g. to technology access or production rights.

Life cycle the stage people have reached in their life, from single at home through young parents to solitary retired.

Life cycle costs all the components of costs associated with buying, owning and using a physical product or service.

Lifestyle the pattern of living as expressed in a person's activities, interests and opinions.

Lifestyle segmentation the grouping of people according to their pattern of living as expressed in their activities, interests and opinions.

Lifetime value the lifetime value of a customer is the profit made on a customer's purchases over the customer's lifetime.

Limited problem solving information search which may be mainly internal through memory

List broker an organization which acts as an intermediary in the supply of lists of names and addresses for direct mail purposes.

List owner an organization which own a list of customers or prospects.

List price the price quoted by a company before any discounts.

Local consumer culture positioning positioning a brand as associated with a local culture (e.g. local production and consumption of a good) .

Location gap the geographic separation of producers from the customers they serve.

Low involvement purchase a purchase decision in which the customer does not become highly involved and does not seek detailed information.

Loyalty card usually a plastic card which is issued by a company to a customer and is used to record the frequency of the customer's purchases and calculate resulting discounts, rewards or allowances.

Loyalty scheme an arrangement whereby customers apply for a loyalty card which entitles them to discounts for continued purchases.

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