




R در بازاریابی

Reasoning a more complex form of cognitive learning where conclusions are reached by connected thought.

Reference group a group of people that influences an individual's attitude or behaviour.

Referent power power derived by the reference source, e.g. when people identify with and respect the architect of change.

Referrals people who have been recommended to the organization as potential customers.

Relationship marketing the process of creating, maintaining and enhancing strong relationships with customers and other stakeholders.

Re merchandising a modification of name, promotion, price, packaging and/or distribution while maintaining the basic product.

Repositioning changing the target market or differential advantage or both.

Research brief written document stating the client's requirements.

Research proposal a document defining what the marketing research agency promises to do for its client and how much it will cost.

Reseller market organizations which buy products to resell, e.g. mail order companies and supermarkets.

Respondent a person who answers questions in a marketing research exercise

Retail accordion a theory of retail evolution which focuses on the cycle of retailers widening and then contracting product ranges

Retail audit a type of continuous research. tracking the sales of products through retail outlets.

Retail life cycle a theory of retailing evolution which is based on the product

life cycle stating that new types of retailing pass through birth, growth, maturity and decline.

Retail positioning the choice of target market and differential advantage for a retail outlet.

Retailing the activity involved in selling products to the ultimate consumer.

Reverse marketing the process whereby the buyer attempts to persuade the supplier to provide exactly what the organization wants.

Reward power power derived from the ability to provide benefits.

Rote learning the learning of two or more concepts without conditioning.


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