




P در بازاریابی

4 Ps product, place, price, promotion

7 Ps product, place, price, promotion, process, people, physical evidence.

Parallel importing when importers buy products from distributors in one country and sell them in another to distributors who are not part of the manufacturer's normal distributetion; caused by big price differences for the same product between different countries.

Parent company a company which owns Another.

Penetration strategy a low-priced new product launch designed to achieve maximum market share.

Perception the process by which people select, organize and interpret sensory

stimulation into a meaningful picture of the world.

Perceptual mapping a useful tool for determining the position of a brand as seen by customers

Perishability a characteristic of services, namely that the capacity of a service business, such as a hotel room, cannot be stored-if it is not occupied, that is lost income which cannot be recovered.

Personal selling oral communication with prospective purchasers with the intention of making a sale.

Personality the inner psychological characteristics of individuals that lead to

consistent responses to their environment.

Physical distribution a set of activities concerned with the physical flows of materials, components and finished goods from producer to channel intermediaries and consumers.

Physical evidence that part of the services marketing mix which refers to the

environment in which the service is delivered and tangible goods which facilitate the communication and performance of the service.

PIMS Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy Place the distribution channels to be used, outlet locations, methods of transportation Portfolio planning managing groups of brands and product lines.

Position defence building a fortification around existing products, usually through keen pricing and improved promotion.

Positioning the choice of target market (where the company wishes to compete) and differential advantage (how the company wishes to compete).

Positioning chart a useful tool for determining the position of a brand as seen by customers (also known as a perceptual map).

Post-testing the evaluation of the effectiveness after a campaign.

Pre-emptive defence usually involves continuous innovation and new product

development recognising that the best form of defence is attack.

Premiums any merchandise offered free or at low cost as an incentive to purchase.

Press relations communications about a product or organization by placing news about it in the press without paying for the time or space directly.

Pre-testing the testing of advertisements before screening.

Price (1) the amount of money paid for a product; (2) the agreed value placed on the exchange by a buyer and seller

Price unbundling pricing each element in the offering so that the price of the total product package is raised.

Price waterfall the difference between list price and realized or transaction price.

Private label retailer's own brand.

Problem children Low share products in high growth markets.

Process procedure flow of activities, sequence of tasks.

Product a good or service offered or performed by an organization or individual which is capable of satisfying customer needs.

Product champion an individual who takes on or is given responsibility to promote a particular product or project within an organization and bring it to a successful conclusion.

Product churning a continuous spiral of new product introductions.

Product development increasing sales by improving present products or developing new products for current markets.

Product differentiation the process of making a product distinctive along a factor or set of factors important for customer choice.

Product features the characteristics of a product that mayor may not convey a

customer benefit.

Product form competitors technically similar competing products.

Product life cycle a four-stage cycle in the life of a product illustrated as a curve representing the demand, the four stages being introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

Product line a group of brands which are closely related in terms of the functions and benefits they provide.

Product line pricing taking account of the prices of the existing products when introducing a new product.

Product manager the person responsible for co-ordination of functional areas to support the success of the product.

Product mix the total set of products marketed by the company.

Product portfolio the total range of products offered by the company, cf. Product mix

Product positioning the creation of a unique image of the company's product in the minds of the customer.

Product repositioning modification of the product to make it more acceptable to its present market.

Product substitutes products which customers regard as fulfilling the same needs although they are technically dissimilar.

Product type products can be classified into four main types, namely, materials, components, plant & equipment and maintenance/repair/operation (MRO)

Production orientation a business approach that is inwardly focused either on costs or on a definition of a company in terms of its production facilities.

Profile segmentation the grouping of people in terms of profile variables such as age and socio-economic group so that marketers can communicate to them.

Profitability analysis the calculation of sales revenues and costs for the purpose of calculating the profit performance of products, customers and/or distribution channels.

Project teams the bringing together of staff from such areas as R&D, engineering, manufacturing, finance, and marketing to work on a project such as new-product development.

Promotional mix advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations, direct marketing, and Internet and on-line promotion.

Proposal analysis the prediction and evaluation of proposals and demands likely to be made by someone with whom one is negotiating.

Prospect an individual or organization who is a possible buyer of a product.

Prospecting searching for and calling upon potential customers.

Psychographic segmentation the grouping people according to their lifestyle and personality characteristics.

Public relations the management of communications and relationships to establish goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its public.

Publicity communication about it product or organization by placing news about it in the media without paying for the time or space directly.

Pull strategy direct communication by manufacturers or service providers with consumers to draw them into channel intermediaries, usually using advertising and consumer promotions.

Push strategy an attempt to sell into channel intermediaries using personal selling and sales promotions.

Qualitative research exploratory research which aims to understand consumers' attitudes, values, behaviour and beliefs.

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