




V & W در بازاریابی

Vicarious learning learning from others without direct experience or reward.

Video conferencing two-way communication of both words and pictures via telephone lines.

Video magazine a video which disseminates a corporate message.

Video news release video coverage of a public relations event sent to television news departments via cassette, vision circuits or satellite.

Warranty a guarantee by a manufacturer that if a product fails within a certain period it will make good the defect for free under certain conditions.

Website a www file that contains text, pictures and/or sound.

Weak theory of advertising the notion that advertising can first arouse awareness and interest, nudge some consumers towards a doubting first trial purchase and then provide some reassurance and reinforcement. Desire

and conviction do not precede purchase.

Wheel of retailing a theory of retailing development which suggests that new forms of retailing begin as low-cost, cut-price and narrow margin operations and then trade up until they mature as high price operators, vulnerable to a new influx of low-cost operators.

Word-of-mouth a form of product promotion generated by consumers to consumers Workload approach a method for deciding the number of salespeople required.

World wide web a collection of computer files that can be accessed via the Internet allowing documents containing text, images, sound and video to be used.

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