




ُُS در بازاریابی

Safety (buffer) stocks stocks or inventory held to cover against uncertainty about re-supply lead-times.

Sales analysis a comparison of actual with target sales.

Salesforce evaluation the measurement of salesperson performance so that strengths and weaknesses can be identified.

Sales force motivation the motivation of salespeople by the process involving needs that set encouraging drives in motion to accomplish goals.

Sales lead information on a potential purchaser.

Sales promotion incentives to customers or the trade that are designed to stimulate purchase.

Sampling process a term used in research to denote the selection of a sub-set of the total population in order to interview them.

Satellite conferencing conferences by satellite transmitting of messages from one location to many sites.

Secondary research data which has already been collected by another researcher for another purpose.

Segment a group of customers or potential customers who share certain common characteristics.

Segmentation (1) the identification of groups of individuals or organizations with characteristics in common that have significant implications for the development of marketing strategy; (2) the process of dividing the total market into homogeneous groupings or segments.

Selective attention the process by which people screen out those stimuli that are not meaningful to them nor consistent with their experiences and beliefs.

Selective distortion the distortion of information received by people according to their existing beliefs and attitudes.

Selective distribution the use of a limited number of outlets in a geographical area to sell products of a supplier

Selective retention the process by which people only retain a selection of messages in memory.

Self-liquidating offer an offer where consumers are asked to pay to cover the promoter's costs of the promotional merchandise plus administration and postal charges.

Self-reference criteria the use of one's own perceptions and choice criteria to judge what is important to consumers. In international markets, the perceptions and choice criteria of domestic consumers may be

used to judge what is important to foreign consumers.

Sensitivity analysis the running of alternative scenarios with changed input variables (price, cost, consumer acceptance) to see the impact on sales and profits.

Service any deed, performance or effort carried out for the customer.

Services marketing mix product, place, price, promotion, people, process and physical evidence.

Simultaneous engineering the involvement of manufacturing and product development engineers in the same development team in an effort to reduce development time.

Skimming strategy a high-priced new product launch designed to recover research and development expenditure.

Skill works a new product development team separated from other employees to work on a project free from bureaucratic interference.

Social distance the extent to which both the individuals and organizations in a relationship are unfamiliar with each other's way of working.

Social responsibility the ethical principle that a person or an organization should be accountable for how its acts might affect the physical environment and general public.

Socialization within an organization, a process whereby a new entrant experiences the culture and tasks of the organization.

Specialty shops retail outlets specializing in a narrow product line.

Specifier an individual in an organization who is responsible for determining the specification of a product which is to be bought.

Sponsorship a business relationship between a provider of funds, resources or services and an individual, event, or organization which offers in return some rights and association that may be used for commercial advantage.

Stakeholders individuals or groups having a stake in the organization's well-being, e.g. shareholders, employees.

Standardized marketing mix an international marketing strategy for using essentially the same product, promotion, distribution, and pricing in all the company's international markets.

Stars market leading products in high-growth Markets.

Storage warehouse warehouses which store goods for moderate or long time periods.

Straight re-buy refers to a purchase by an organization from a previously approved supplier of a previously purchased item.

Strategic alliance collaboration between two or more organizations through e.g. joint ventures, licensing agreements, long-term purchasing and supply arrangement.

Strategic business unit (SBU) a business or company division serving a distinct group of customers and with a distinct set of competitors, usually strategically autonomous.

Strategic degrees of freedom how much room a company has to react.

Strategic focus the strategies which can be employed to achieve the objective.

Strategic intent a driven focused objective of winning such as encircle Caterpillar (Komatsu) or beat Xerox (Canon).

Strategic issue analysis an examination of the suitability of marketing objectives and segmentation bases in the light of changes in the marketplace.

Strategic objectives product level objectives relating to the decision to build, hold, harvest, or divest products.

Strategic options ways of increasing sales volume and/or profitability Strategic profile a summary of the organization's chosen strategy, including strategic objective, core strategy, market type, marketing attitudes and performance.

Strategic thrust the decision concerning which products to sell in which markets.

Strategic withdrawal holding on to the company's strengths while getting rid of the weaknesses.

Strong theory of advertising the notion that advertising can change people's attitudes sufficiently to persuade people who have not previously bought a brand to buy it. Desire and conviction precede purchase.

Subsidiary a company which is owned by another.

Supermarket large self-service stores traditionally selling food, drinks and toiletries, but now increasingly selling a wider range of items, including clothing, books, pharmaceuticals.

Supply chain the means by which products are moved from the producer to the ultimate consumer.

Switching costs the costs to a buying organization of changing from one supplier to another.

SWOT analysis a structured approach to evaluating the strategic position of a business by identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

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