




M در بازاریابی

Macroenvironment a number of broader forces that affect not only the company but the other actors in the environment, e.g. social, political, technological and economic

Macrosegmetltation the segmentation of organizational markets by size, industry and location.

Mail order catalogue usually a colour catalogue featuring products and prices sent through the mail and from which customers can select and order.

Mailorder a non-store form of retailing using catalogues or other media as a promotional vehicle.

Manufacturer brands brands which are created by producers and bear their chosen brand name.

Marginal cost pricing the calculation of only those costs which are likely to rise/fall as output increases/decreases.

Market the people who represent the actual or potential demand for a product.

Market development to take current products and sell them in new markets.

Market expansion the attempt to increase the size of a market by converting non-users to users of the product and by increasing usage rates

Market intelligence information on present and future customer needs.

Market penetration to continue to sell an existing product in an existing market.

Market segmentation the process of identifying individuals or organizations with similar characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy.

Market share analysis a comparison of company sales with total sales of the product, including sales of competitors.

Market testing the limited launch of a new product to test sales potential.

Marketing audit a systematic examination of a business's marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities with a view to identifying key strategic issues, problem areas and opportunities.

Marketing concept the achievement of corporate goals through meeting and

exceeding customer needs better than the competition.

Marketing control the stage in the marketing planning process or cycle when performance against plan is monitored so that corrective action, if necessary, can be taken.

Marketing environment the actors and forces that affect a company's capability to operate effectively in providing products and services to its customers.

Marketing information system a system in which marketing information is formally gathered, stored, analysed, and distributed to managers in accord with their informational needs on a regular, planned basis

Marketing mix a framework for the tactical management of the customer relationship, including product, place, price, promotion (4Ps). In the case of services three other elements to be taken into account are: process, people and physical evidence.

Marketing objectives there are two types of marketing objectives-strategic thrust, which dictates which products should be sold in which markets, and strategic objectives, i.e. product-level objectives, such as build, hold,

harvest and divest.

Market-oriented pricing an approach to pricing which takes a range of marketing factors into account when setting prices

Marketing orientation companies with a marketing orientation focus on customer needs as the primary drivers of organizational performance.

Marketing planning the process by which businesses analyse the environment and their capabilities, decide upon courses of marketing action and implement those decisions.

Marketing research the gathering of data and information on the market.

Marketing strategy the approach a firm takes to securing and retaining profitable relationships with its customers, generally involving segmentation, targeting and positioning choices as well as adaptation of a suitable marketing mix.

Marketing structures the marketing frameworks (organization, training and internal communications) upon which marketing activities are based.

Marketing systems sets of connected parts (information, planning and control) which support the marketing function.

Media class decision the choice of prime media, i.e. the press, cinema, television, posters, radio, or some combination of these.

Media coverage mention of a particular event, product or organization in the media.

Media relations communications about a product or organization by placing news about it in the media without paying for the time or space directly.

Media vehicle decision the choice of the particular newspaper, magazine, television spot, poster site, etc.

Mega-marketing lobbying political power and public opinion.

Member-get-member a programme of customer recruitment incentivizing existing customers or members to recruit others.

Merger the amalgamation of two or more Organizations.

Microenvironment the actors in the firm's immediate environment that affect its capability to operate effectively in its chosen markets, namely, suppliers, distributors, customers and competitors.

Microsegmentation segmentation according to choice criteria, DMU (decision-making unit) structure, decision-making process, buy class, purchasing structure and organizational innovativeness.

Misconceptions barrier a failure by marketers to understand what customers

really value about their service.

Missionary salespeople order-creators whose task is not to close the sales but to persuade the customer, e.g. a medical practitioner, to specify the seller's products.

Mobile defence involves diversification or broadening the market by redefining the business

Modified re-buy where a regular requirement for the type of product exists and the buying alternatives are known but sufficient (e.g. a delivery problem) has occurred to require some alteration to the normal supply procedure.

Moments of truth staff-customer contacts.

Money-back guarantee a promise by a retailer or manufacturer that if a customer is not happy with the purchase he or she may return the product in good condition and get a full refund.

Money-off a sales promotion that discounts the normal price.

Motivation the process involving needs that set drives in motion to accomplish goals.

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