




B در بازاریابی

Banded pack offer a free sample of one brand banded to another.
Barter payment for goods with goods with no direct use of money.
Beliefs descriptive thoughts that a person holds about something.
Below-the-line advertising point-of-purchase material, direct mail, exhibitions - i.e. non-mass-media advertising.
Benefit segmentation the grouping of people based upon the different benefits they seek from a product.
Benefits the advantages which customers seek from buying a particular brand or product.
Bonus an additional amount paid to e.g. a salesperson on top of salary and commission in recognition of exceptional performance.
Bonus pack giving a customer extra quantity at no additional cost.
Brainstorming the technique where a group of people generate ideas without initial evaluation. Only when the list of ideas is complete is each idea then evaluated.
Brand a distinctive product offering created by the use of a name, symbol, design, packaging, or some combination of these intended to differentiate it from its competitors.
Brand assets the distinctive features of a brand.
Brand domain the brand's target market.
Brand extension the use of an established brand name on a new brand within the same broad market.
Brand equity the good will associated with a brand name which adds tangible value to a company through the resulting higher sales and profits.
Brand heritage the background to the brand and its culture.
Brand personality the character of a brand described in terms of other entities such as people, animals and objects.
Brand reflection the relationship of the brand to self-identity.
Brand stretching the use of an established brand name for brands in unrelated markets.
Brand values the core values and characteristics of a brand.
Branding the process by which companies distinguish their offerings from the
Brands the distinctive identity of a product.
Break-even analysis the calculation of the quantity needed to be sold to cover total costs.
Breaking bulk usually an activity performed by a wholesaler by buying in bulk and breaking the quantities down into smaller quantities for further distribution
Broadcast sponsorship a form of sponsorship where a television or radio
programme is the focus.
Build a strategy of managing a product for sales and share growth.
Bundled prices the pricing of a number of separable products as one package, usually effectively lowering the price.
Business analysis a review of the projected sales, costs and profits for a new product to establish whether these factors satisfy company objectives.
Business format franchising a franchising method whereby marketing approaches, quality control and operating procedures are offered to the franchisee.
Business mission the organization's purpose, usually setting out its competitive domain, which distinguishes the business from others
of its type.
Buy-back where part of e.g. a sale of production plant is financed by buying back some of the final product.
Buy class a category of organizational purchase, generally of three kinds, namely, new task, straight re-buy or modified re-buy.
Buy-response method a study of the value customers place on a product by asking them if they would be willing to buy it at varying price levels.
Buyer those who have the authority to negotiate and execute the contractual
Buyer behaviour the reasons why customers buy, their choice criteria, when, how and where they buy
Buying centre a group who are involved in the buying decision (also known as a decision-making unit)
Buying signal a statement by a buyer which indicates she is interested in buying
Buying situation extended problem solving, limited problem solving and habitual solving

Bypass attack circumventing the defender's position, usually through technological leapfrogging or diversification

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