




ِِD در بازاریابی

Data the most basic form of knowledge, the result of observations.

Database marketing an interactive approach to marketing which uses individually addressable marketing media and channels to provide information to a target audience, stimulate demand and stay close to customers.

Data warehousing (or mining) the storage and analysis of customer data gathered from their visits to websites for classificatory and modelling purposes so that products, promotions and price can be tailored to the

specific needs of individual customers.

Decentralization in international marketing it is the delegation of international operations to individual countries or regions.

Decider a person who has the authority to select the supplier.

Decision-making unit a group of people within an organization who are involved in the buying decision (also known as the buying centre)

Decision-making process the stages which organizations and people pass through when purchasing a physical product or service.

Demographic variable attributes of consumers such as age, gender and life cycle

Department stores retail outlets where related product lines are sold in different departments.

Depth interviews the interviewing of consumers individually for perhaps one or two hours with the aim of understanding their attitudes, values, behaviour and/or beliefs.

Derived demand demand for a particular product which is driven by demand for a different product, e.g. the demand for joinery is at least partly derived from the demand for new housing.

Descriptive research research undertaken to customer's beliefs, attitudes,

preferences, behaviour.

Differential advantage a clear performance differential over competition on factors that are important to target customers.

Differentiated marketing a market coverage strategy where a company decides to target several market segments and develops separate marketing mixes for each.

Differentiated targeting offering different products to different segments.

Differentiation focus where a firm aims to differentiate within one or a small number of targeted segments.

Differentiation strategy the selection of one or more customer choice criteria and positioning the offering accordingly to achieve superior customer value.

Diffusion of innovation the process by which a new product spreads throughout a market over time.

Direct cost pricing the calculation of only those costs which are likely to rise as output increases.

Direct exporting the handling of exporting activities by the exporting organization rather than by a domestically-based independent organization.

Direct investment market entry which involves investment in foreign-based assembly or manufacturing facilities.

Direct mail material sent through the postal service to the recipient's house or business address promoting a product and/or maintaining an ongoing relationship.

Direct marketing (1) acquiring and retaining customers without the use of an

intermediary; (2) the distribution of products, information and promotional benefits to target consumers through interactive communication in a way which allows response to be measured.

Direct response advertising the use of the prime advertising media such as television, newspapers and magazines to elicit an order, enquiry or a request for a visit.

Discount houses Retailers selling products at low prices by bulk buying, accepting low margins and selling high volumes.

Discount policy the extent to which reductions from list prices is permitted.

Discount structure the system of rebates off the list price.

Display allowance money paid to a retailer by a manufacturer for promotional facilities in store.

Distribution analysis an examination of movements in power bases, channel

attractiveness, physical distribution and distribution behaviour.

Distribution centres warehouses operating as central locations for the fast movement of goods.

Distribution push the targeting of channel intermediaries with communications (e.g. promotions) to push the product into the distribution chain.

Distributor an intermediary which takes title to goods and sells them on to a third party.

Distributor brands brands created and owned by distributors or retailers.

Diversification the development of new products for new markets

Divest to improve short-term cash yield by dropping or selling off the product.

DMU see Decision-making unit.

Dogs weak products in low-growth markets.

DRTV direct response television, a method of direct marketing.

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