




E در بازاریابی

Early adopters customers who are willing to buy a new product quite soon after launch.

E-commerce the use of technologies such as the Internet, electronic data interchange, e-mail and electronic payment systems to streamline business transactions.

E-commerce marketing mix the extension of the traditional marketing mix to include the opportunities afforded by the new electronic

media such as the intranet.

Economic order quantity (EOQ) the quantity of stock to be ordered where total costs are at the lowest

Economic value to the customer (EVC) the amount a customer would have to pay to make the total life cycle costs of a new and a reference product the same.

EDI electronic data interchange, electronic links between suppliers and retailers allowing purchase orders, packing lists, delivery notices, invoices and remittance advices, as well as self-billing by retailers.

Effectiveness doing the right thing, making the correct strategic choice.

Efficiency a way of managing business processes to a high standard, usually

concerned with cost reduction; also called “doing things right”.

Ego drive the need to make a sale in a personal way, not merely for money

Empathy to be able to feel as the buyer feels, to be able to understand customer problems and needs.

Encirclement attack attacking the defender from all sides, i.e. every market segment is hit with every combination of product features.

Enquirers people who have contacted the organization and shown interest in one or more products but, as yet, have not bought.

Entry barriers barriers which act to prevent new firms from entering a market, e.g. the high level of investment required.

Entry into new markets (diversification) the entry into new markets by new products

Environmental scanning the process of monitoring and analysing the marketing environment of a company.

Equity joint venture two or more companies form a partnership which involves the creation of a new company.

Ethics the moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of an individual or group.

Event sponsorship sponsorship of a sporting or other event.

Everyday low prices a retailers' policy of keeping prices low every day rather than through sales promotions.

Evoked set the set of brands that the consumer seriously evaluates before making a purchase.

Exaggerated promises barrier a barrier to the matching of expected and perceived service levels caused by the unwarranted building up of expectations by exaggerated promises.

Exchange the act or process of receiving something from someone by giving something in return.

Exclusive distribution an extreme form of selective distribution where only one wholesaler, retailer or industrial distributor is used in a geographical area to sell products of a supplier.

Exhibition an event which brings buyers and sellers together in a commercial setting.

Exit barrier the barriers to leaving an industry, e.g. the cost of closing down plant.

Experience curve the combined effect of economies of scale and learning as cumulative output increases.

Experimental research research undertaken in order to establish cause and effect

Experimentation the application of stimuli (e.g. two price levels) to different matched groups under controlled conditions for the purpose of measuring their effect on a variable (e.g. sales).

Expert power power which derives from an individual's expertise.

Exploratory research the preliminary exploration of a research area prior to the main data collection stage.

Export merchant an organization which takes title to products andsells them abroad.

Extended problem-solving a high degree of information search, close examination of alternative solutions using many choice criteria

نظرات 2 + ارسال نظر
mohammadreza جمعه 22 اسفند 1393 ساعت 11:42

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