




F در بازاریابی

Facelift a minor product change with little or no change to the rest of the marketing mix or target market.

Family brand name a brand name used for all products in a range.

Features attributes of a product which mayor may not confer a customer benefit.

Fighter brands low-cost manufacturers' brands introduced to combat own-label brands.

Flanking attack attacking geographical areas or market segments where the defender is poorly represented.

Flanking defence the defence of a hitherto unprotected market segment.

Focus group a group normally of 6-8 consumers brought together for a discussion focusing on an aspect of a company's marketing.

Focused marketing a market coverage strategy where a company decides to target one market segment with a single marketing mix.

Focused targeting Competing in one segment only (also known as niche targeting).

Folder techniques a press advertising pre-testing method in which proposed

advertisements are placed in a folder of competing displays in order to test unaided recall.

Foreign consumer culture positioning positioning a brand as associated with a specific foreign culture (e.g. Italian fashion).

Foreign direct investment (FDI) investment in a foreign-based assembly or manufacturing facility.

FRAC stands for frequency, recency, amount and category and forms the transactional information on a customer's purchases in a direct marketing database.

Franchise a legal contract in which a producer and channel intermediaries agree each other's rights and obligations. Usually the intermediary receives marketing, managerial, technical, and financial services in return for a


Franchising a form of licensing where a package of services is offered by the franchisor to the franchisee in return for payment.

Freephone a special telephone number which customers can call without incurring any expense.

Frontal attack a competitive strategy where the challenger takes on the defender head-on.

Full cost pricing pricing so as to include all costs and based on certain sales volume assumptions.

Full-service marketing departments departments which show a high degree of integration of marketing functions, control or influence all marketing decisions.

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