




G در بازاریابی

Gatekeeper those who control the flow of information, e.g. secretaries who may allow or prevent access to a DMU (decision-making unit) member, or a buyer whose agreement must be sought before a supplier can contact other members of the DMU.

Generic competitors products which solve a customer's problem or eliminate it in a dissimilar way.

Geodemographic segmentation the segmentation of consumers on the combined basis of location and certain demographic and socio-economic data.

Geodemographics the process of grouping households into geographic clusters based upon such information as type of accommodation, occupation, number and age of children and ethnic background.

Global branding achievement of brand penetration worldwide.

Global consumer culture positioning positioning a brand as a symbol of a given global culture (e.g. young cosmopolitan men).

Going-rate pricing pricing at the rate generally applicable in the market, focusing on competitors' offerings rather than on company costs.

Group discussion a group usually of 6-8 consumers brought together for a discussion focusing on an aspect of a company's marketing.

Guarantee a promise by a manufacturer that if a product fails within a certain period it will make good the defect for free under certain conditions.

Guerrilla attack making life uncomfortable for stronger rivals through e.g. unpredictable price discounts, sale promotions, or heavy advertising in a few selected regions.

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