




I در بازاریابی

Image repositioning keeping product and target market the same, but changing the image of the product.

Implementation the stage of the marketing planning process when the plan is put into operation.

Impulse purchasing a consumer's decision to buy which is taken on the spur of the moment.

Inadequate delivery barrier a barrier to the matching of expected and perceived service levels caused by the failure of the service provider to select, train and reward staff adequately, resulting in poor or inconsistent delivery of service.

Inadequate resources barrier a barrier to the matching of expected and perceived service levels caused by the unwillingness of service providers to provide the necessary resources.

Indirect exporting the use of independent organizations within the exporter's domestic market to facilitate export.

Individual brand name a brand name which does not identify a brand with a particular company.

Industrial market companies which purchase inputs for further processing or their own use.

Industry a group of companies that market products which are close substitutes for each other.

Information Combinations of data which provide decision-relevant knowledge.

Information framing the way in which information is presented to people.

Information processing the process by which a stimulus is received, interpreted, stored in memory and later retrieved.

Information search the identification of alternative ways of problem solving.

Innovation the commercialization of an invention by bringing it to market.

Innovators the first customers willing to buy a new product after launch.

In-or-on-pack gifts gifts which are given away free with brands.

Inseparability a characteristic of services, namely that their production cannot be separated from their consumption.

Inside order-taker usually a retail sales assistant whose task is simply to take payment and hand over the products.

In-supplier a competitor who is already supplying to a target account and therefore has the “inside track”.

Intangible repositioning targeting a different market segment with the same


Intangibility a characteristic of services, namely that they cannot be touched, seen, tasted or smelled

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) the concept that companies co-ordinate their marketing communications tools to deliver a clear, consistent, credible, and competitive message about the organization and its


Intensive distribution the aim is to provide saturation coverage of the market by using all available outlets.

Interaction approach an approach to buyer-seller relations which treats the

relationships as taking place between two active parties.

Intermediaries distributors or resellers.

Internal marketing (i) the training, motivating and retention of employees at

the customer interface in services (ii) marketing to all employees with the aim of achieving successful marketing implementation.

Internet a vast global computer network that permits instant global communication such as the gathering and sharing of information and the ability of users to communicate with each other.

Internet and on-line marketing the distribution of products, information and promotional benefits to consumers through electronic media.

In-the-mail offer a promotion involving the collection of packet tops, labels or ring-pulls which are sent in the mail as proof of purchase to claim a free gift or money voucher.

Invention the discovery of new methods and Ideas.

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